Our Process

We strongly encourage that you complete our pre-build questionnaire if the project you're enquiring about is a new build, development or significant renovation. This questionnaire has been designed to give us a better understanding of your building experience, expectations and budget… and to ensure our building relationship starts on the same page!

If you’re looking to discuss a small project, feel free to use the ‘Contact Us’ form instead.

Step 1. Complete our pre-build form

The second step in our process is usually sitting down for a catch-up and chat. We think it’s important to meet face-to-face and have an open and honest conversation about your vision, expectations and requirements. Ideally, this is also when we’ll take a look at your project site or preliminary plans.

This step also gives you and I the opportunity to explain our preferred ways of working from pre-construction all the way to handover.

Step 2. Let’s chat about expectations

Once you’ve got your working drawings or plans finalised, send through all of the documentation you’ve gathered to date (sometimes this is a LOT).

From there, we’ll put together an estimate and proposal for your build or renovation. If you’re happy with the proposal, a building contract will be signed and we’ll get started on the next exciting phase of your build…

Step 3. Documents and Proposal

Throughout the last 10 years running Envision Builders, we’ve learnt a few important lessons which define the way we now run our business.

#1 - A good client / builder relationship is critical.

Not all building jobs that come our way are suitable for our business and likewise, as the customer you should be doing your due diligence to make sure a builder is the right fit for you. Don’t necessarily go with the cheapest quote and remember, you usually get what you pay for.

#2 - Transparency is key.

As is the case with any relationship, we think it’s important to be transparent from the start. The more open we are with one another, the less surprises we’ll face along the journey! This is why we request clients complete our ‘Pre-build questionnaire’ and why we sit down with prospective clients to walk them through the process from contract to hand-over.

#3 - Your time is valuable and so is ours.

We often charge for quotes on larger project (new home builds, developments and substantial renovations).

Although many builders will provide free quotes, this is usually because they throw a square metre rate at it and don’t go to the effort of producing a bill of quantities or sourcing quotes from supplier and subcontractors. This practice often leads to unnecessary variation, disappointments and disputes during construction… not to mention longer construction times, costing you the client, time and money. Why are we telling you this? Well, because transparency is key!

Contact Us

To get the ball rolling with your next building project, get in touch today.